Countries gain distinction with people who can make contributions that can lead the history of civilization. In Turkish history, there are many commanders, padishahs and sultans who redrew the world map, started a new era with unique ideas, etc.. However, the number of people who universally broke new grounds in science, art and culture is not high. Although there are few Turkish philosophers, they considerably contributed to our nation and culture. That is why they are worth getting known. These Turkish philosophers who left their mark on world history are:
1. Farabi
He was born in Farab city of Kazakhistan and it is thought that he lived between 874 and 950. Mentioned with his worldwide innovations, Farabi’s works are in physics, medicine, mathematics, logic, philosophy and music fields. He produced works regarding tasks of the organs, Islamology, diseases and treatments. In physics he did research about voice. He also invented zither and oud instruments.
2. El Biruni
He was born in Afghanistan and lived between 973 and 1048. As one of the most important scientists, his interest in science started when he was a child. Having written his first book at age 17, El Biruni produced successful works in astronomy, physics, mathematics and medicine. He wrote about 200 books and managed to make himself heard worldwide thanks to his works regarding Pi, pharmacy and trigonometry.

Lunar Eclipse, El Biruni
3. İbn-i Sina
Famous for philosophical metaphysical works worldwide, İbn-i Sina lived between 980 and 1037. Having numerous works in medicine, he especially drew attention with his studies about cardiovascular system. When you say İbn-i Sina, Tıp Kanunu (Medicine Law) book comes to mind first. He was also interested in physics and defended Eye-Beam Theory.
4. El Cezeri
He especially became famous for his works in technology field and lived between 1136 and 1206. His studied included robots, cybernetics and physics. He shed light on today’s technology thanks to the automatic machines he created.

El Cezeri’s work
5. Akşemsettin
As one of the most known scientists of Ottoman Period, Akşemsettin lived between 1389 and 1459. He was also the teacher of Fatih Sultan Mehmet and had a great deal of knowledge about medicine and Islamic philosophy. Having produced a lot of works about medicine, he also worked on the discovery of germs.
6. Ali Kuşçu
He lived between 1474 and 1525 and produced works in mathematics and astronomy. He was born in Semerkant City of Uzbekistan. Toward the middle of 15th century, he moved to Istanbul and worked at Uluğ Bey Observatory. During his time in Istanbul, Ali Kuşçu lectured at Hagia Sophia, and wrote Astronomi Risalesi, Fetih Risalesi and Risale-i Muhammediye books.
7. Nasirüddin Tussi
As one of the most important Islamic philosophers, Nasirüddin Tussi lived between 1201 and 1274. He was interested in science fields such as physics and mathematics. He also established Maraga Observatory, which was the most famous observatory at that time.