The Ruins of Ephesus that have survived for hundreds of years will fascinate you with their peaceful, historical atmosphere. Ephesus is located in İzmir, in Turkey’s western region. Legend has it that İzmir was built by female warriors called “Amazons”. In the Hittite texts, it is referred as the capital city “Arpasa” of Arzawa. In the 12th and 11th centuries …
Mevleviyeh started with Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rûmi during the Seljuk period. Later, Mevleviyeh spread from Anatolia all over the country during the Ottoman period. After the death of Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rûmi in 1273, his son Sultan Veled systematized his father’s thoughts and created semâ ceremonies. In fact, this has been regarded as a religious order and the name of the dervishes …
It is estimated that the settlement in Istanbul dates back to 3000 years with the recent excavations. The city was engraved in the memory of world history with the name of Constantinople during the prehistoric times and the period of foundation. The city was also home to the Eastern Roman Empire. Istanbul was raided many times throughout its history, and …
Safranbolu is a typical and preserved Ottoman town in the northwestern part of Turkey. With its cobbled streets, narrow passes and centuries-old houses, the town is a popular destination for tourists in Karabük. It had been on the trade route between Black Sea and big cities like Constantinople in 17th. Century. Accumulating enough wealth, local traders built beautiful mansions, not …
Established by Alexander the Great around 300 B.C, Hatay (Antakya) province belongs to Mediterranean Region. However, the city’s history has carried older elements than establishment period to our day. Hatay is surrounded by Adana, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Kilis, and Syria and features a coast on the Mediterranean Sea. Having acted as a bridge between Mesopotamia and the eastern Mediterranean, Hatay was …
A different civilization and a different history lie in every corner of Anatolia. You will be able to cover all the geography with the excursion routes in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, including the civilizations of Byzantium, Rome, and Phrygia.
Turkey’s name is in the World Heritage list, a compilation determined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); its natural and cultural assets are under protection. The natural and cultural sites in Turkey number 18 total, according to UNESCO.
If you want to have a rest for a week, see different geographies and different cultures, you will be interested in one of the best sightseeing routes below. We have prepared “Turkey in 1 week Itineraries” for you. Those cities are close to each other, so renting a car would be convenient.
Turkey has many different opportunities for outdoor sports available for an alternative vacation. Create a holiday full of adrenaline with outdoor sports while sightseeing en– route.
The trend of backpacking is increasing, especially in recent years, with the inclusion of social networks. It is the final stage of freedom that you can travel domestically or internationally only with your backpack. Here are some great route suggestions for backpackers in Turkey that will help you to experience different pleasures alone.