Search Results for: greek

Izmir City Guide: Izmir City Guide

İzmir, the third largest city in our country, is located in the Aegean region. Extremely modern, the city is also one of the important destinations that holds the pulse of tourism. As a harbor city, it has hosted many different civilizations throughout history and undertook the task of being the most important city center in the Ionian and Roman periods. …

Aksaray City Guide: Aksaray City Guide

Located in the center of Anatolia, Aksaray is a typical Anatolian city with a long history. The settlement of Cappadocia in the first era was later used for colonies in the Roman period. Along with the Battle of Malazgirt, Aksaray, which is a settlement for Danişments, is located on important crossroads. While Kırşehir and Ankara are in the north, Konya …

Balıkesir City Guide: Balıkesir City Guide

Located where the Marmara and Aegean regions intersect, Balıkesir has a coast on both the Marmara and Aegean Seas. It is close to Bursa, Kütahya, İzmir, Çanakkale, and Manisa provinces and a neighbor to Lesbos Island, which belongs to Greece. Balıkesir has had a rich cultural accumulation between ancient times and the modern age.