Giresun is one of the unique cities of the Black Sea. You can see every color of green while exploring this place, where history and nature are intertwined. Written information reveals that the city was used as a settlement for centuries. Many civilizations such as Kolh, Mossinok, Halib, Scythians, Cimmerians, Huns, Pechenegs, Bulgarians, and Oghuz Turks existed in the region. After the Greek Emperor of Trabzon was swept in 1461, Giresun was transferred the Ottoman Empire.
Giresun is a neighbor to Gümüşhane, Trabzon, Sivas, Erzincan, and Ordu. Today, hazelnut fields are important means of commerce in Giresun, but the fields of Giresun are also suitable for growing kiwi. Giresun has rugged terrain but its mountains are some of the most important mountains in Turkey. The coastal area has a hillier appearance than some mountainous areas. Abdal Musa Hill is at a height of 3,331 meters, Gavur Mountain Hill is at 3,248 meters. Small Kor Hill is 3,045 meters, while Karagol Hill is 3,137 meters and Cankurtaran Hill stands at an altitude of 3,278 meters. Of course, there are numerous other examples.

Kumbet Plateau
Places to Visit
There are also many lakes near the summits of the mountains. Aygır Lake (Elmalı), Karagöl, Bağırsak Lake, Glass Lake, and Kazan, to name a few. Almost one-third of the city consist of forestland that start from sea level and go to 2,000 meters high. The fields are suitable for cherry and hazelnut growing. Hazelnut, one of the most nutritious nuts, is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, carbohydrates, and edible oil. The Giresun hazelnut has a glossy coat and higher oil content. Fiskobirlik, one of the biggest hazelnut organizations in the world, is situated in this city. According to history, the cherry spread to the world from Giresun. Rumor has it that in the 70s BC, a Roman commander encountered the fruit when he visited Giresun and then knowledge of the cherry spread all over the globe.
Giresun today has a disorganized settlement. Houses are far away from each other and that has resulted in different linguistic dialects. However, some traditions have continued from past to present. For example, the local people are generally cheerful and energetic, and they enjoy a rich heritage of folk songs and folk dances. “Giresun Karşılaması” and the irreplaceable “horon” of the Black sea is one of the most popular of traditional folk dances. Traditional clothing is also widely used still today, and traditional copper craftsmanship continues to be practiced. Products such as trays, samplers, wall plates, and vases are produced here.

If you have already researched the Black Sea shores, you can see that there are two islands, one of which is Giresun Island. It is about 1.5 kilometers from the coast and has dozens of natural herbaceous plants. This region is also the breeding ground for seagulls and one of the endangered species, the black cormorant. Giresun Island, which is the subject of many myths, witnessed the life of the Amazon warriors. The island is an archaeological site and many tours are organized from the Giresun port. You will discover many mysterious things in the island, including Hamza Stone is one of these. The stone representing Kybele is three-feet, and it is said to represent the concept of family. If you want to find yourself in the depths of mythology, be sure to include Giresun Island on your travel route.
Giresun impresses visitors with its plateau tourism, historical places, and the persistence of traditional life there. “Kuvay-i Milliye” a monument for martyrs and veterans of the War of Independence and Osman Ağa Museum, are wonderful structures, that commemorate the martyrs and veterans of the war in the War of Independence. Besides this, you can see stone reliefs, antique artifacts, weapons, and clothes in the Giresun Museum. This museum is also known as the Gogora Church. The building was first built as an Orthodox church, then it was used as a prison. It was restored in 1982 and reopened in 1988. You can see amazing landscapes from the castles on the top of the hill. Bedrama Castle, Giresun Castle, and Tirebolu Castle are important places.

Fasülye Diblesi
Have you ever tried Giresun’s delicious meals? Bean is generally the most consumed vegetable all over Turkey; however, “fasülye diblesi” is indigenous to the Black Sea. First, the beans are minced, then browned with onions, tomatoes, and rice. You should try it! Local people cook many meals and soups with herbaceous plants as well. Trachystemon orientalis, knotweed, kale, lettuce, parsley, mushrooms, spinach beet, and mendek are the most popular herbs. Butter, mıhlama cheese, extracted honey, yoghurt, eggs, and milk are the most used animal and dairy products. The most popular meals of Giresun are kale soup, mendek soup, kale wrapped with meat, pilaf with anchovies, fried anchovies, cornbread, siron, katmer, bean pickles, rose pudding, mushroom, pea pickles, and flat bread.
How to Get There
Reaching the city through highway is a challenge, but scenic. The city is easily accessible through the airport recently opened.