Search Results for: Ottoman Empire

Abdulhamid II and the History of Beer in Ottoman Empire

History of beer in Ottoman Empire can be traced back to 19th century. Abdulhamid II ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1876 to 1909, a period marked by both modernization and an increase in the centralization of power in the hands of the sultan. During his reign, Western cultural influences were felt in various areas, including architecture, clothing, and also in …

The Ottoman Architecture Seen Around Balyan Family

In the 19th century, which was described as the most fervent period of the Ottoman for opening to the west, an Armenian family greatly influenced the architecture, which is still seen in present day.The Armenian architects called as the Balyan Family were held in high honor by the high state officials of the Ottoman in the 19th century. An enormous …

Origin of Vampires: Ottoman Vampires

The vampire myth is believed to have originated in the west by the great influence of popular culture. While witches and ghouls are popular in the East, the “vampire” is seen as a product of western culture. However, one of the biggest symbols of the vampire cult, Count Dracula, was also sourced from Vlad III, who was a prince that …

Jewish Culture in Turkey

Turkey has a unique multi-cultural structure, and yet it boasts a legitimate unity, which proves to be quite an important element. Jewish culture, adapted to contemporary life while preserving the religion, constitutes one link in this chain. The history of Jewish people in Turkey dates back almost 2,400 years. Turkish Jews are one of the biggest non-Muslim communities in the …

Scandinavians in Constantinople

The Scandinavians (or Vikings) are not at all distant for Turks, especially for the people in Constantinople with tattooed, large bodies and fighter identities. Scandinavia, home of the Vikings, is the common name of countries in the cold north, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Faroe Islands and Greenland. Scandinavia nurtures the film industry today with its stories and legends, …

Islamic Artifacts and Beautiful Mosques in Turkey

One of the most fertile geographies for Islamic tourism is Anatolia, especially during the month of Ramadan, where you can make different plans for Islamic sightseeing tours. We have identified different routes related to Islamic artifacts, mosques, and shrines that you can see in Anatolia, both during and not during Ramadan.

Cittaslow Towns of Turkey

Cittaslow, which first appeared in the Italian capital of Rome in 1986, means “slow city” with a broader meaning that includes untouched nature, away from the noise, distant from the metropolitan life, and reminiscent of a resort. Thus, there is no traffic problem, and the crowds and the noise is far away. Cittaslow towns for our country are almost heaven. …

Turkish Coffee and Tea Culture

The value of coffee and tea in human life cannot be underestimated. The plants that produce these commodities are not grown in every country, but it is known that tea was first used in China about 2000 years ago BC, and generally, British society is known for its tea. But the Turks also deserve credit! Turks have a Turkish tea …

Flag of Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha

Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha, aka Hızır Reis, was born on Midilli Island at the beginning of the 1470s. The name Hayrettin was given him by Suleyman the Magnificent (Kanuni Sultan Süleyman) for services he had done. It means “good for religion.” After leaving business and commerce professions, Barbaros started sailing; in the 1520s, he organized raids to the Mediterranean shores and …

Where Does the Crescent and the Star Icon Come From?

The beautiful adornments of our red flag, the crescent and the star, are explained in many different ways. As famous poet Mehmet Akif addresses the Turkish red flag with the crescent and the star during the Turkish National Anthem, which is sung by the children with a lot of enthusiasm at ceremonies, many works today emphasize that the crescent and …