Search Results for: Fatih Mosque

Fatih Mosque & Havariyyun Church

Fatih, which is one of the districts where conservatism is most intense in Istanbul, embodies a different structure, which is shaped around Fatih Mosque. After the conquest of Istanbul, Fatih Sultan Mehmet, built the mosque on top of the remains of the Havariyyun Church (the Holy Apostles Church), considered highly sacred to Rome.

Islamic Artifacts and Beautiful Mosques in Turkey

One of the most fertile geographies for Islamic tourism is Anatolia, especially during the month of Ramadan, where you can make different plans for Islamic sightseeing tours. We have identified different routes related to Islamic artifacts, mosques, and shrines that you can see in Anatolia, both during and not during Ramadan.

Timing Rooms (Muvakkithane)

Although it is known in geography and astronomy education that Greenwich is the starter meridian, it was the Million Stone in Sultanahmet during the Roman Empire era. Later, Hagia Sophia served as the starting meridian to determine the time. While the information about time and astronomy changes day by day, the institutions we call timing rooms draw attention as the …

Tale of Seven Hills: A Brief History of Istanbul

Istanbul has a history of about 3,000 years. Throughout history, this city has been known by different names: Byzantium, Constantinople, and Istanbul. In 638 BC, the King Byzas came to the Sarayburnu region. The migrating Greek colony had settled here. The founder of the city, Byzas, gave it the name Byzantium. During the time of the Roman Empire (324 AD), …

Istanbul City Guide: Istanbul City Guide

It is estimated that the settlement in Istanbul dates back to 3000 years with the recent excavations. The city was engraved in the memory of world history with the name of Constantinople during the prehistoric times and the period of foundation. The city was also home to the Eastern Roman Empire. Istanbul was raided many times throughout its history, and …

Hagia Sophia’s History

Hagia Sophia has experienced many construction processes from past to present. The first construction was started by Emperor Constantius in the Byzantine period. After this was finished, Hagia Sophia was opened for worshiping. The building was built on the Temple of Artemis with the name Hagia Sophia; it was designed with a wooden roof and had traditional Latin architecture. When …

Unkapanı and Old Bazaars

Technology is rapidly evolving in the present day; even the concept of tape reminiscent of ancient times is unknown to today’s youth. For this reason, we need to explain what a long play record is to today’s youngsters who do not even know the tape in order to tell where the name of Unkapanı Plakçılar Çarşısı (Unkapanı Bazaar of Music …